10 Tips for Helping Your Loved One With Dementia Sleep Better
10 Tips for Helping Your Loved One With Dementia Sleep Better https://yourdementiatherapist.com/alzheimers-dementia/caregiving/how-to-get-patients-sleep-at-night/
Resources and Tips for Libraries from MindCareStore.com
10 Tips for Helping Your Loved One With Dementia Sleep Better https://yourdementiatherapist.com/alzheimers-dementia/caregiving/how-to-get-patients-sleep-at-night/
It may not have anything to do with shingles after all. https://medium.com/microbial-instincts/the-reason-why-shingles-vaccine-is-highly-protective-against-dementia-44f909026140
Scientists say your brain suddenly ages at 57, 70, and 78. Here are 5 ways to curb mental decline.https://www.businessinsider.com/brain-ages-more-57-70-78-protein-exercise-sleep-2024-12
Holiday Gatherings Guide: 7 Dementia-Inclusive Activities We rounded up guidance from care experts on how to make holiday gatherings an inclusive, comforting, engaging and special experience for everyone […]
U.S. Senate Passes Act Tripling Funding to State and Local Dementia Programs The bipartisan BOLD Reauthorization Act will continue funding programs that improve dementia prevention, early diagnosis, and […]