Memory Care Library Blog > Collections > Puzzles Suitable for Dementia Care

Puzzles Suitable for Dementia Care

•Puzzles for dementia patients including those in early, middle and late-stage Alzheimer’s provide patients with mental stimulation. Puzzles for the elderly with dementia provide comfort and potentially ease some of the symptoms of the disease. Since most brain diseases deteriorates the brain, patients need cognitive stimulation to help keep the brain engaged and active.

•We offer a variety of dementia puzzles for mental stimulation so caregivers can choose one that best fits the needs of their patients based on their interest and the progression of the disease. Those who are in the early stages of dementia, or any form of memory loss may benefit from a 48-piece puzzle, while those in more advanced stages may benefit from a simple four-piece puzzle. We also sell puzzles that make sounds for additional cognitive stimulation.

•Finding materials that can easily be wiped clean, have precise fitting interlocking edges and that come in various sizes and themes are key. Puzzles need to be easy on the eye and show familiar scenes. Those patients with certain memory loss can still recognize religious and holiday themes as well as scenes of the season. Puzzles such as the familiar covers of The Saturday Evening Post Magazine with the artistry of Norman Rockwell are very popular along with those puzzles that make recognizable sounds when the last piece is put into place. This brings a sense of accomplishment and definite joy to the user!

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