PLA Programming Resources
Guidelines for Library Services with 60+ Audience: Best Practices, September 2017
PDF: Reference and User Services Association
These updated best practices reflect basic principles in library services for the 60+ population that include embracing and encouraging diversity and variety and flexibility in planning collections, programs, and services.
Homebound Program ToolKit, August 25, 2011
Toolkit: North Texas Library Partners (NTLP)
This toolkit provides extensive, research-based information on homebound services that includes planning a homebound program and marketing strategies.
Older Adults & Seniors, 2018
Website: WebJunction
The Older Adults & Seniors section includes lists of helpful suggestions, webinars, case studies of individual libraries, and other resources to help your library provide better services to older adults and seniors.
Outreach Resources for Services to Older Adults
Website: American Library Association
This page has guidance and resources for providing outreach to older adults.
The Power of Community Outreach Meeting the Demands of the Growing Senior Population, December 8, 2017
Website: Public Libraries Online
This article discusses outreach when working with older adults. It includes the different challenges faced and the types of services that can be provided to meet their community needs.
Public Libraries Online
Website: Public Library Association
Public Libraries Online, a publication of PLA, allows you to search for the senior programming tag throughout all past issues.
Senior Partners | Innovation, June 13, 2017
Article: Library Journal
Article profiling innovative programs that libraries are offering to older adults