Memory Care Library Blog > Collections > WANDERING – SAFETY PRODUCTS


Wandering is the single most critical worry for a caregiver. Those living with dementia, Alzheimer’s and other forms of memory loss have a tendency to wander whether they are at home or in unfamiliar surroundings. They are trying to make sense of the world they find themselves in at that moment.

Our loved-ones or those we care for will sometimes leave clues that they are about to wander by announcing that it is time to go home, when in fact they are home. They may get dressed to go to work when they stopped working long ago. Their past memories are now present. Without warning, they may start to wander into forbidden or dangerous areas within their own home – and locked doors could just make a wandering situation more severe. MindCare offers a selection of products that help prevent wandering from GPS watches that track location, to door alarms that alert caregivers to educational materials that help give insight to wandering prevention!

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