Sample Memory Care Program Template for Public Libraries
Sample Memory Care Programs for Public Libraries: ALA Edition
Title: Design Your Own Program for Adults with Memory Issues
Description: Template
Potential Audiences:
Choose from:
- Individuals with Memory Issues including Dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Aphasia.
- Caregivers
- Family Members
- Staff
- Healthcare Professionals including doctors, nurses, social workers, and therapists.
- Community Organizations and Volunteers
- General Public
Space, Logistics, Equipment, Materials and Supplies:
Potential community partners and outreach:
Choose from:
- Town Council elected representatives.
- Alzheimer’s Association
- Dementia-friendly Communities
- Memory Care Facilities and Senior Centers
- Healthcare Providers and Social Service Agencies
- Aging and Gerontology Organizations
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Community Support Groups
- Local Universities, Colleges, and Research Institutions
Tips: Look to the following websites for inspiration: Pinterest, Association websites, Other libraries
Resources and Suppliers for Memory Care
With humility, we offer hundreds of items that help with memory care programming as well as for caregivers working with their families and clients.
For quick review you can visit our websites for libraries:
We also offer this complete list of white papers and presentations for public libraries:
Memory Care Programs in Public Libraries: Backgrounder and FAQ (101-page PDF)
Directory of Memory Care Program Ideas (94-page PDF)
Sample Memory Care Program Template for Public Libraries: ALA Edition (3-page PDF)
Memory Care Infographics in Public Libraries: Education, Advocacy, and Marketing Inspirations and Links for ALA Conference (61-page PDF)
Products and Ideas that You May have Never Imagined are Available to Help! (104-page PDF)
Caregiver Presentation: Products and Ideas that You May have Never Imagined are Available to Help! (104 slide editable PPT)
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